Ericsson Acronyms

Abbreviations and acronyms are commonly used in our industry and within our company. There are many acronyms in use and most of them cannot be easily memorized. This app lists all abbreviations and acronyms that are listed on the Ericsson Wiki Acronyms Search Page and allows searching according to any keyword.

Also, the target acronym, with its long form, can be copied to a clipboard of the mobile phone. This feature also helps the user while creating a document on a tablet or phone.

IMPORTANT – Please click here to read about an extra step for iOS 9 users to install Ericsson Apps on their device.


VERY IMPORTANT – Please read here about how to install this Ericsson app on your iOS or Android device.

Available for:
Android device 4.0+, iPhone or iPad, Desktop

Ericsson contact: [email protected]

Available for:
Android device 4.0+, iPhone or iPad, Desktop

Ericsson contact: [email protected]

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